Cybernetic HIV Treatment: A Review

Velichenko Vladislav Viktorovich

Published Date: 2018-11-05
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This current article presents a book review about HIV and AIDS that are considered as the Red Books of Humanity.

Book I - HIV

Theory, Forecasts of Catastrophic Development and Cybernetic Treatment of HIV Infection: In Book I, the mathematical theory of HIV infection is outlined, its catastrophic development in the human body is investigated, and a method for its treatment with precision adjustment of the immune system of the patient with artificial computer intelligence is proposed. Model analysis indicates the possibility of a multiple increase in the lifespan of HIV-infected patients with cybernetic agents.

Book II - AIDS

Theory, Forecasts of Catastrophic Development and Information War with the Epidemic Aids: Book II builds the mathematical theory of the AIDS epidemic, compares its development scenarios, predicts its disastrous demographic consequences, and suggests practical measures to buy and suppress the AIDS epidemic.

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